Friday night our church, Cedar Ridge Church in Harrisonville, MO, was blessed to host the Spencer family in concert. It was a great evening filled with worship and the Word of God. I was impressed by this family’s talent and their faithfulness to serve their Lord. It was encouraging to hear how God has blessed their ministry.
*The Spencer family has generously given me a cd to give away, so keep reading to find out how to enter to win!
Several years ago, Jim and Nicci Spencer, along with their 13 children (the youngest of which was only a baby) felt God calling them to go on the road full-time. They sold or gave away many of their possession, and headed toward New England on an old bus that they had turned into living quarters for the family. Along the way, they had an accident. Thankfully, the family was all safe. However, their bus was destroyed. They were loaned some vans and a trailer and were able to continue their journey, performing for seven weeks in New England. When the time came to leave, they had no idea where they would go or how they would get there. However, God provided graciously for their needs. A couple heard their story and offered them a bus! This couple had been fixing it up to go on the road themselves, but felt God telling them to stay home. They gave the Spencers the bus that they no longer needed. They’ve been using that bus ever since to travel the country, sharing their music and ministry with as many people as possible.
Musical talent definitely runs in this family. The concert was mainly the dad, Jim, and the four oldest children: Grace, Adin, Samuel, and Jacob. Grace and Jim provided most of the vocals, while they all played a large variety of musical instruments–flute, banjo, guitar, and tambourine, just to name a few. The audience was encouraged to sing along with the family, making it seem more like a worship service than a concert.

Some of the other kids did join the performance at various times, the highlight being when the rest of the family (mom Nicci, and kids Lydia, Anna, Phoebe, Cara, Josiah, Chloe, Julia, Will, and Ben) came up to perform some of their Scripture Memory Songs. The children of our church have been using these songs to memorize their Bible verses for Sunday school, so the Spencers invited our kids up to sing with them. This was a very special moment, one that our kids will remember for a long time.
Another fun part of the concert was the performance of the Cup Song, or, as it’s really called, I Know a Man. Four of the kids used cups to provide percussion sounds for the song, which was a really neat effect. Words don’t do it justice, but you can see a video of it here:
*Keep reading to find out more about the giveaway!
One thing I really appreciate about the Spencers’ music is that it is firmly grounded in Scripture. Jim has written most of the songs they perform, and many of the lyrics are taken directly from Scripture. The evening wasn’t just music, though. Besides being a musician and song-writer, Jim is also a gifted speaker. He spoke about how God is good and able to be trusted. He urged us to spend time in the Word regularly. He also clearly presented the gospel, encouraging anyone who didn’t already know Jesus Christ as their Savior to consider receiving His gift of salvation. He made it clear that we are all sinners in need of God’s forgiveness, but he also made much of God’s mercy and grace in offering forgiveness and salvation to all who call on Him.
I was truly blessed by the Spencer family’s concert. I left having been filled with the Word of God. I also was encouraged by hearing how God has been faithful and has blessed this family as they have followed His call on their lives.

If you would like more information about the Spencer Family, you can check out their website, where you can see their current schedule of performances, purchase cds, watch music videos, or even contact them about coming to your church:
Article written by Lydia Quillin