Soli Deo Gloria
As a means of honoring God, we want to do all things with the aim and purpose of bringing Him glory.
Sunday School classes and Bible studies have a goal of encouraging one another to godliness and equipping people to serve God with passion. This starts from a very young age and continues through adulthood. We want to grow in our relationship with our Creator God and in our personal relationships with our families and one another. As 1 Peter 2:5 says, we “come to him, as living stones to the immensely valuable living stone (which men rejected but God chose), to be built up into a spiritual House of God.” (J.B. Phillips New Testament Translation). Furthermore, we want what we know in our heads to permeate our hearts moving outwards and changing who we are.
Likewise, men’s and women’s groups are meant to offer fellowship, encouragement, and study of the Word to help us grow in our faith and in our respective roles as men and women. These groups are outreaches and extend out to our communities.
We adhere to and love the Great Commission, and our missions emphasis is but one way that we can help the gospel be spread to the ends of the earth, whether in our community, our nation, or overseas!